FakeJoshDuggar Now On Previously.tv

Have I taken my meds this week? For some reason I’ve forayed into forum posting this week. (Sorry Baby Center, I can’t remember my log in info!) I’m still wandering around as FakeJoshDuggar, and for those who’ve speculated that I own the fakejoshduggar account on Twitter, I’m still over here screaming that it’s not me… although I’d love to have it for the sake of continuity.

Happy weekend, folks!

No Decent Person Is Praying For You


“The tears we all shed and the forgiveness that was given.” No. Not just no, but ‘aww hell naw, someone hold my earrings’ kind of no. Your son committed heinous crimes against your daughters. Crimes, not mistakes. You don’t get to decide the punishment for crimes. In fact, you two are criminals as well and should be held accountable. If my hypothetical kid murdered someone, I don’t get to decide their punishment. A fourteen year old knows better than to fondle his sleeping sisters. A fourteen knows better than to touch his five year old sister’s genitals. Arkansas tries and sentences fourteen year old to death or life in prison. Should they be released because their crimes were committed as a minor and they’ve asked God for forgiveness? What gives Michelle and Jim Bob the right to be judge and jury as to the felonies perpetrated against their daughters? The fact that the parents did NOTHING (besides beat the daylights our of Josh apparently) for an entire year. It obviously continued because it was only then that Jim Bob brought Josh to the kiddy porn police officer who, by his own admission with nothing to gain, admitted that he was told Josh had touched his sister one time. Jim Bob and Michelle were conspirators and we’re complicit in the molestation of their daughters.

Jim Holt, whose daughter has long been rumored to have been betrothed at one point to Josh, was an ordained Baptist minister and one of the elders in the church the Duggars attended. He was a mandated reporter and by law should have gone to the police. That in and of itself is a felony in the (not so) great state of Arkansas. The depth of this cover up continues to go deeper and darker.

So of course you went with Fox News as a resource to peddle your sob story full of pathetic excuses and proclamations of Godly forgiveness. I swear to god, I am ready with my torch and pitchfork if Megyn Kelly lobs them softballs and doesn’t ask the hard questions. What  am I thinking? This is going to be more scripted than the Kardashians.