That Time Jim Bob Admitted Jubilee Didn’t Count

Well, I suppose Michelle finally got something tangible for the maternal depletion her body has experienced as a walking birth canal. She got a ring with 19 gem stones to represent her 19 kids. I guess Caleb and Jubilee are only trotted out at the discretion of their DNA donors. How do you forget to add the birthstone of the fetus you exploited had a funeral for and buried in a camo box?

FakeJoshDuggar Now On

Have I taken my meds this week? For some reason I’ve forayed into forum posting this week. (Sorry Baby Center, I can’t remember my log in info!) I’m still wandering around as FakeJoshDuggar, and for those who’ve speculated that I own the fakejoshduggar account on Twitter, I’m still over here screaming that it’s not me… although I’d love to have it for the sake of continuity.

Happy weekend, folks!

Dumb Dumb Duggars


In the last segment of the Duggar Interview, Megyn Kelly gave Jim Bob and Michelle a platform in which to spew more lies and theories like “OMG THE SHERRIFF DIDN’T LOOK OUR FAME WHORE SON IN THE EYE SO SHE WAS OUT TO GET HIM” or some such nonsense. But what they’re basing their outrage on is that his juvenile records were not expunged/sealed. They are “consulting attorneys” on legal recourse they can take because the records were found by In Touch Weekly. I’m sure the consulted attorneys have already told them that according to Arkansas law no records can be sealed if the crime includes a sexual offense in which the victim is under the age of eighteen. In Touch magazine has asserted that they received the documents through FOIA.

So why say it? I will speculate that they are trying to create a foothold for their tens of remaining fans to cry persecution for them because  the only logical answer to bringing these crimes to light is because the Duggars are Christian™.

And lastly, don’t go on a network news channel to give an interview and then act surprised when the media doesn’t leave you alone. Perhaps they should have hired that crisis management team because that interview was a terrible idea.

Dear Media, Try To Keep Up

I, along with others, have been screaming into the wind about the Duggar family’s sexual abuse admissions by Josh Duggar, Child Molester© and the subsequent cover up by his parents, Jim Bob and Michelle.  Even if the media could have bothered to read the police report, the Duggar family outed one of the victims as being a minor when they sent her to plead with a judge to destroy all police evidence that a crime had occurred against her and her sisters. Even with the Wisdom Booklets the Duggar children were (under) educated from, we can all do the math and figure out that in order for the victim to be a minor, a crime that was committed twelve years ago, she’d have to be five at the maximum.

Where was this outrage in the media when the story broke? How many tweets did we have twat on Twitter with the hash tag #DuggarScandal that said variations of: @joshduggar molested four of his sisters, one of which was FIVE?

I will be live tweeting the Megyn Kelly interview on Fox News until I rage stroke out.

Twitter: @sweetbabbyjesus

Duggar Supporters Be Cray


Yes, let’s all just excuse the pubescent guy who molested his sisters and label him “touchy feely.” Really? Stop the planet, these folks need to get off. How can anyone call Josh Duggar, Child Molester© a normal, touchy feely teenager? I know I didn’t feel the need to diddle five year olds when I was fourteen, but then again, I’m not a fucking child molester!!!! But, ya know, don’t let common sense fuck up your logic Christian™ Duggar fans.

No Decent Person Is Praying For You


“The tears we all shed and the forgiveness that was given.” No. Not just no, but ‘aww hell naw, someone hold my earrings’ kind of no. Your son committed heinous crimes against your daughters. Crimes, not mistakes. You don’t get to decide the punishment for crimes. In fact, you two are criminals as well and should be held accountable. If my hypothetical kid murdered someone, I don’t get to decide their punishment. A fourteen year old knows better than to fondle his sleeping sisters. A fourteen knows better than to touch his five year old sister’s genitals. Arkansas tries and sentences fourteen year old to death or life in prison. Should they be released because their crimes were committed as a minor and they’ve asked God for forgiveness? What gives Michelle and Jim Bob the right to be judge and jury as to the felonies perpetrated against their daughters? The fact that the parents did NOTHING (besides beat the daylights our of Josh apparently) for an entire year. It obviously continued because it was only then that Jim Bob brought Josh to the kiddy porn police officer who, by his own admission with nothing to gain, admitted that he was told Josh had touched his sister one time. Jim Bob and Michelle were conspirators and we’re complicit in the molestation of their daughters.

Jim Holt, whose daughter has long been rumored to have been betrothed at one point to Josh, was an ordained Baptist minister and one of the elders in the church the Duggars attended. He was a mandated reporter and by law should have gone to the police. That in and of itself is a felony in the (not so) great state of Arkansas. The depth of this cover up continues to go deeper and darker.

So of course you went with Fox News as a resource to peddle your sob story full of pathetic excuses and proclamations of Godly forgiveness. I swear to god, I am ready with my torch and pitchfork if Megyn Kelly lobs them softballs and doesn’t ask the hard questions. What  am I thinking? This is going to be more scripted than the Kardashians.

You Be The Judge

I have a friends who can find anything. If I ever go missing, I have complete confidence these people can find me with just a paper clip and a Mountain Dew bottle. So all of the following contains original info that my friends have found and my hat is off to them.

The Duggars get shit given to them on the regular. Hell, the Department of Veterans Affairs gave them a piece of land for ten bucks. See:


Jim Bob likes to brag that his parents dabbled in real estate. That’s an odd story too. According to public docs, Mary Duggar aka Grandma Duggar, got into real estate in the mid 80’s where she suddenly started handing out mortgages to people out of the blue to the tune of almost $50k. Where in the hell does someone get $46k to hand out?  Was she running a buy-here-pay-mortgage biz where she was collecting an insane amount of interest from people who couldn’t otherwise get a bank loan? Surely not because the bible clearly says in Exodus, “If you lend money to any of my people with you who is poor, you shall not be like a moneylender to him, and you shall not exact interest from him.” Grandma Duggar was just totes doing nice things for people. Right? Right? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?



Fast forward to post (supposedly, because do we really believe he stopped?) molestation when Josh sued the Arkansas Department of Health as a minor.

Even though Springdale, Arkansas police closed their investigation into Duggar in 2006, they still referred the case to the Families in Need of Services agency, which brought in the Department of Human Services. Ninth months into the DHS’s investigation, Duggar sued the agency, resulting in a trial in 2007.

The results of the DHS’s investigation and the findings at the trial are both sealed, but an anonymous source close to the case told “In Touch” that Duggar likely “appealed the DHS decision or findings from their investigation,” and noted that depending on what those findings were, it’s possible that the DHS applied “restrictions or stipulations about him being at home with the victims.”

“Josh would be considered an in-home offender, giving DHS the authority to do an investigation. As part of your appeal rights you can request a DHS hearing to challenge what they found and their ruling,” the anonymous source added.

When contacted by “In Touch,” lawyers for the Duggars refused to comment on the investigation, the lawsuit, the trial, or any possible restrictions placed upon Josh.

Quote from:

Or here where FakeJoshDuggar’s Twitter @SweetBabbyJesus, @moaevil, @MsSiraMiller, @ElysiumJane, and others found and alerted In Touch magazine almost three days ago when no news outlet was covering this info:


In 2006 Josh would have been an adult. In 2007, the same year as the trial, Grandma Duggar purchased the now highly recognizable home on Porter Road.


She purchased the home from Michelle’s father, Garrett Ruark, who was living in Ohio for well over value when all other records show a pattern of buying homes under priced. Why did Mary Duggar purchase a house from Josh’s maternal grandfather, a house that backs up to an interstate for so much cash? Jim Bob has said on multiple episodes that his parents were terrible with money. So where did Grandma Dugger get $100k in 2007?


@MsSiraMiller explains:


2007 must have been a very active year in the Duggar home. Josh had a trial and the outcome is currently sealed. However, in 2007 Josh was given a car dealership, a house was purchased for him,  he started courting Anna which resulted in their engagement in early 2008 and marriage in September of that same year.

Connect the dots.

Derick’s Brother, Dan, Is A Moron

Preach, o’ wise fundie, Dan Dillard. First of all, he (like his in law, Child Molester Josh Duggar©, former director of FRCAction – a hate group) works for The Boy Scouts of America who actively discriminate against gays. That tells you a lot.

Second, what the hell man? Just because someone claims to be Christian™, doesn’t absolve them from justice or even decency. Every person sitting on death row has probably found some sort of magical holy man. Should we let all of the child molesters, rapists, and murders go free because God has forgiven them?
